Customer Finance Solutions Retail Customer Financing

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Small Business Customer Financing

Factoring is the sale of accounts receivable invoices to a third party. The third party pays the company right away and then assumes the obligation of collecting the invoice. Social Lending is both a funding category and a type of startup funding. While giving up too much equity in your business will limit your upside typically, the more people that are committed to the success of your business the better.

Ready to get funding? Start now, for free.

For further information, please see Ascentium’s Fair and Responsible Lending Policy Statement. When you work with Ascentium Capital, you get a team dedicated to the success of your business. Our relationship professionals know your market, understand your products and services, and strategize with you to optimize the value you bring to your customers. Choose what works best for your business, whether it’s monthly payments tailored with longer terms and the option of 0% APR, or split pay on a fixed, interest-free schedule. With Adaptive Checkout, you can offer the most flexible and relevant payment options in one view for a seamless customer experience.

  • ● You might have additional fees if you have to terminate your loan prematurely.
  • In addition to funding, Start Up Loans provides 12 months of free mentoring to successful loan recipients, as well as exclusive discounts on many business products.
  • Whether it’s expanding to new locations, audiences, or product lines, we help you invest in growing your business.
  • When submitting the invoice, it’s also worth asking if there’s any reason why the payment won’t be made on time, as most people will do everything they can to not go back on their word.
  • For example, you could offer them stock in your company or pay them back just as you would a debt financing deal, in which you make regular payments with interest.
  • Rather than making you repay the capital lent to your business, equity financing involves exchanging money for a share of business ownership.

Once your application is approved, your funds are released within 24 hours. However, if you connect with a lender and apply for a loan through them, your credit will be thoroughly checked. This is not all-inclusive, and your loan provider may use other factors to calculate your interest rates and fees. Some lenders may have additional requirements for getting a small business loan. Lenders will examine your credit score to see if you can take on a loan.

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